Bailey Nelson
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Meet the team.


What is the impact on you to be able to show up as your authentic self as a leader?

BN is the first company I've ever felt comfortable with being out straight away and this comes from the culture at all levels of the business and the queer representation in our leadership teams.
Being allowed to be me allows me to bring my best self and in turn bring out the best in my team.


As a mother of a trans woman, how important is it for you to be able to see Sophie live her life completely on her terms?

All I honestly want is for her to live her life as who she needs to be. She is an incredibly strong, beautiful and inspirational young lady, who has fought so strongly to be her and it hasn’t been easy, and she will continue to live life staying true to herself! And being proud to be a trans woman! I love her! She’s a trailblazer!


Do you think being queer as a gen z is different to how it was for older generations?

Absolutely it was different for older queer generations, they went through copious amounts of hardship to be recognised and accepted in the wider community, and although there are still struggles we face, it is because of them that we can live as openly as we do today. 


You and Jade seem to have a really close relationship, does this help you feel confident to be your authentic self at work?

A supportive environment makes all the difference! Working with a great team let's me be my authentic self and helps me find joy in my work.


How has working at BN been different to other roles?

I love being a position where I am able to support other members of the LBTQI+ community both personally and professionally. Creating a welcoming space in my store for both customers and team members. It's not something that I've always been able to do, and it's what I love about working here.


Your photos exude so much confidence, where does that come from?

My confidence comes from my team that I work and collaborate with; they help me to be myself, accept me for who I am, so I can provide the best patient care possible. If we can accept those around us for who they are, we can truly bring out the most authentic and best of people.


What does it mean for you to be able to show up as your authentic self to work every day?

It means I don't have to dread coming into work, I can come in be myself and have a truly wonderful time and have a genuine smile on my face. 


As a queer creative what inspires you?

Even though I love the horror genre (Scream 6 in cinemas March 9th!) my main source of inspiration is the people around me. My partner, friends, colleagues, even people I’ve yet to meet. I’m always observing and absorbing. Everything has the potential to be the beginning of a limitless amount of stories, and it’s important to be open to that. 


What is the best thing about working in Newtown, such a diverse, interesting part of Sydney?

Working in Newtown is unlike any other retail space I've worked in - there’s such a variety of livelihood and self expression, and an incredibly strong sense of community and kinship and the best thing about it is that I get to be a part of it. 


How will you be celebrating Sydney hosting World Pride for the first time? 

I will be doing the March across the Sydney harbour bridge and I will be going to a few fun events / drag shows with my closest girlies.